Shanghai, Hiina
Esmaspäevast laupäevani 9.00-20.00

Raiffeisen Bank

Raiffeisen Bank in Kosovo is a subsidiary of Raiffeisen Bank International AG (RBI). RBI came to Kosovo in late 2002, buying most of the shares of the American Bank of Kosovo.

Energy Efficiency in Kosovo

The World Bank is supporting Kosovo through a US$ 31 million Kosovo Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy Project, which aims to reduce energy consumption and fossil fuel …

Kosovo profile

Kosovo Serbs set up their own rival assembly in Mitrovica. 2008 December - European Union mission (Eulex) takes over police, justice and customs services from the UN. Serbia accepts the EU mission.


Kosovo. Although some countries or regions have declared independence, they are only partially recognized de jure independent states. The international community does not universally recognize these polities …

What is behind renewed tensions between Serbia and Kosovo?

Tensions between Serbia and Kosovo flared anew over the weekend when some 30 heavily armed Serbs barricaded themselves in an Orthodox monastery in northern Kosovo, setting off a daylong gunbattle with police that left one officer and three attackers dead.

Entry requirements

FCDO travel advice for Kosovo. Includes safety and security, insurance, entry requirements and legal differences.


Kosovo (Albanees: Kosova, Kosovë; Servisch: Косово, Kosovo), officieel de Republiek Kosovo (Albanees: Republika e Kosovës; Servisch: Република Косово), is een gedeeltelijk erkend land in Zuidoost-Europa.Kosovo grenst aan Montenegro, Albanië, Noord-Macedonië en Servië hoofdstad van Kosovo is Pristina.. Kosovo riep op 17 februari 2008 een …


The outcome of the Energy Sector Technical Assistance Project for Kosovo was satisfactory, the sustainability was likely, the institutional development impact was .

Kosovo monastery siege ends after heavy gun battles

Kosovo police at the scene with troops from the US and EU states in the background At least four people are dead after Kosovan police cleared a monastery held by at least 30 heavily armed men near ...

Kosovas – Vikipedija

Kosovas (alb. Kosova, serb. Косово), oficialiai Kosovo Respublika (alb. Republika e Kosovës, serb. Република Косово) – iš dalies pripažinta valstybė Pietryčių Europoje, Balkanų pusiasalio viduryje. Šiaurėje ir rytuose ribojasi su Serbija, pietryčiuose – su Šiaurės Makedonija, pietvakariuose – su Albanija, vakaruose – su Juodkalnija.


Acest articol se referă la statul parțial recunoscut Kosovo (Republica Kosovo). Pentru informații despre regiune ca parte a Serbiei, vedeți Provincia Autonomă Kosovo și Metohia.Pentru informații despre provincia autonomă a Serbiei în cadrul marii federații Iugoslavia, vedeți Provincia Autonomă Kosovo și Metohia (1946-1974).Pentru informații …

The Government of Kosovo commits 75 million euros to …

Given the extraordinary and unprecedented situation in the European electricity markets that has affected Kosovo, the Government of the Republic of Kosovo at the request of the …

(: Republika e Kosovës ;: Република Косово,:Republika Kosovo),(: Kosovë, : Kosova ;: Косово,:Kosovo), ...

USAID''s assistance is reshaping Kosovo''s energy sector

USAID has helped Kosovo lead an aggressive decarbonization agenda through data analysis, draft legislation, direct technical assistance, and a series of public knowledge …

Ministria e Mbrojtjes

Ministria e Mbrojtjes e Republikes së Kosovës është një nga ministritë e cila merret me menagjimin e Forcave të Sigurisë të Kosovës, aseteve dhe misioneve jashtë vendit të saj

Kosovo profile

Some key dates in Kosovo''s history: 1st Century AD - The Romans gain control of the area, populated by a people known as Dardani, who are thought to be either Illyrian or Thracian in origin. 6th ...

Electricity | ZRRE

The energy system in the Republic of Kosovo is composed of electricity generation, electricity transmission, electricity distribution, unregulated consumers, as well …


Il Kosovo confina con la Serbia a nord e a est, con il Montenegro a nord-ovest, l''Albania a sud-ovest e la Macedonia del Nord a sud; è senza sbocco al mare.. Il Kosovo ha una superficie di 10 888 km², in gran parte occupato da rilievi, fra cui i principali sono il Kopaonik a nord, i monti Sharr a sud e sud-est e la Gjeravica, a sud-ovest (con la cima più elevata, …

Energy Support Package: EU grants EUR 75 million to …

Out of EUR 75 million the EU is now transferring to Kosovo, one third, or EUR 25 million, will go towards subsidising energy bills and alternative heating methods such as wood …

Energy Strategy

The Government of Kosovo''s draft Energy Strategy prioritizes an ambitious vision for a just energy transition for the country between 2022-31. The Government of Kosovo …


Kosovo. Although some countries or regions have declared independence, they are only partially recognized de jure independent states. The international community does not universally recognize these polities despite having significant (de facto) control over their territories.Kosovo, tucked in Southeastern Europe and sandwiched between …

Kosovo – Wikipedia

Albaanien mahdollisina kielellisinä esi-isinä pidetyt illyrialaiset ilmestyivät Länsi-Balkanille noin 1200-luvulla eaa.Albaani on ainoa kieli omassa indoeurooppalaisessa haarassaan, ja se on mahdollisesti illyrialaisten puhumien kielimuotojen viimeinen jäänne, joskaan asiaa ei ole todistettu. Antiikin aikana Kosovo oli osa suurempaa aluetta nimeltään Dardania.

,19951999,。,KLA,UNMIK(Kosovo Protection Corps)。

Kosovo: Reise

Kosovo: Reise- und Sicherheitshinweise Stand - 06.08.2024 (Unverändert gültig seit: 09.01.2024). Letzte Änderungen: Aktuelles – Sicherheitslage Sicherheit Einreise und Zoll - Mögliche ...


Languages. Albanian (official) 94.5%, Bosnian 1.7%, Serbian (official) 1.6%, Turkish 1.1%, other 0.9% (includes Romani), unspecified 0.1%; note - in municipalities where a community''s mother tongue is not one of Kosovo''s official languages, the language of that community may be given official status according to the 2006 Law on the Use of …

Kosovo, un pays au lourd passé résolument tourné vers l''avenir

Peu de temps avant sa mort, Nora se réjouissait à l''idée de fêter son quinzième anniversaire dans un Kosovo libéré. Quatre jours plus tôt, l''OTAN avait lancé ses premières frappes aériennes, point culminant d''un conflit sanglant entre les Albanais du Kosovo, comme les Bogujevci, et les Serbes, qui contrôlaient le territoire depuis la fin de la Seconde Guerre …

Kosovo monastery siege ends after heavy gun battles

Kosovo declared independence in 2008 but Serbia - along with Belgrade''s key allies China and Russia - does not recognise it. Many Serbs consider it the birthplace of their nation. But of the 1.8 ...

The US is warning of a big build-up of Serbian troops on the Kosovo ...

The long fractious ties between Kosovo and Serbia are once again on edge after one of the worst outbreaks of violence in years. The trigger for the latest flare-up was the killing of a Kosovar ...

Kosovo Launches Energy Efficiency Fund

Kosovo becomes the first country in the Western Balkans to launch an Energy Efficiency Fund. The Energy Efficiency Fund was launched by the Ministry of Economic …


قُوصَوَة أو كوسوفو (بالتركية: قوصوه)، رسميا جُمْهُورِيَّةُ قُوصَوَة، هي دولة مُعترف بها جزئيا تقع في جنوب شرق أوروبا وهي موضوع نزاع إقليمي مع جمهورية صربيا.. تبلغ مساحة كوسوفو 10,887 كيلومتر مربع (4,203 ميل 2)، وهي دولة غير ...

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