Shanghai, Hiina
Esmaspäevast laupäevani 9.00-20.00


Languages Nauruan 93% (official, a distinct Pacific Island language), English 2% (widely understood, spoken, and used for most government and commercial purposes), other 5% (includes Gilbertese 2% and Chinese 2%) (2011 est.) note: data represent main language spoken at home; Nauruan is spoken by 95% of the population, English by 66%, and …

Nauru_Nauru_____ …

,Nauru,Nauru,Nauru,Nauru,Nauru,Nauru 。 Nauru_Nauru_Nauru_Nauru ...

Stat of the week : In Nauru, renewable energy is 3% of total …

In Nauru, renewable energy was 3% of total energy (electricity) in 2019. The earth is our home, and we must take care of it every day to ensure a desirable future.

Nauru – Vikipeedia

Nauru nime päritolu on teadmata. Naurulased on saart ka varem nimetanud "Naoero". Sakslane Paul Hambruch, kes viibis saarel mais 1909 ja septembrist novembrini 1910, andis etümoloogia, mille kohaselt nimi on lühenenud kuju lausest "a-nuau-a-a-ororo" (tänapäeva kirjaviisis A nuaw ea arourõ), mis tähendab ''lähen rannale''. ...

Nauru fuel supply

During 2019-20, Nauru converted to supply of cleaner 10 parts per million (low sulphur) diesel fuel. This will contribute to Nauru meeting its global commitment to reducing …

Nauru prepares for electric buses

The buses will be tested in Nauru to ensure their functionality and fulfils their technical specifications. The charging stations have arrived and the buses will be ready for the …

Project to support the achievement of Nauru''s National Energy …

Nauru, like most Small Island Developing States (SIDS) in the Pacific region, has scarce local energy resources limited to solar energy and biomass and imports most of the …


Languages Nauruan 93% (official, a distinct Pacific Island language), English 2% (widely understood, spoken, and used for most government and commercial purposes), other 5% (includes I-Kiribati 2% and Chinese 2%) (2011 est.) note: data represent main language spoken at home; Nauruan is spoken by 95% of the population, English by 66%, and …

Publications | Pacific Islands Forum Secretariat

The Forum''s Pacific Vision is for a resilient region of peace, harmony, security, social inclusion and prosperity, so that all Pacific people can lead free, healthy, and product

Nauru Energy sector overview | PCREEE

The aim of this report is to provide a stock take of the situations in the energy sector of Nauru and therefore inform a baseline which can be used in the development of the …

Nauru — Vikipēdija

Nauru (nauruiešu: Naoero; angļu: Nauru), oficiāli Nauru Republika, ir salu valsts Mikronēzij ā, Klusajā okeānā, 59 kilometrus uz dienvidiem no ekvatora. Tuvākie kaimiņi atrodas 300 km uz austrumiem esošajā Banabas salā, Kiribati Republikā. Nauru ir pasaulē ...

Nauru – Wikipedia, wolna encyklopedia

Nauru jest małą (21,3 km²), owalną wyspą położoną w zachodniej części Oceanu Spokojnego, około 42 kilometrów na południe od równika.Długość jej linii brzegowej wynosi około 19 kilometrów.Najbliższą wyspą jest …

Nauru – Vikipedija

Naoero), oficialiai vadinama Nauru Respublika (naur. Repubrikin Naoero), – sala ir valstybė Ramiajame vandenyne, mažiausia pasaulio respublika, mažiausia salų valstyb ė ir trečia mažiausia nepriklausoma valstybė pagal plotą po Vatikano ir Monako. Nuo pat ir ...

Nauru – Wikipedia

Naurun tasavalta, lyhyemmin pelkkä Nauru, on kääpiövaltio, joka käsittää Tyynessämeress ä lähellä päiväntasaajaa sijaitsevan Naurun atollin. Saari on noin 21 neliökilometriä, ja sitä ympäröi koralliriutta. Se on sekä väestöltään että maapinta-alaltaan maailman ...


Nauru Museum in Yaren can make you understand the history of the island better Orro Congrenational church is located in Boe. There''s a beautiful stain glass. AOG Tabernacle. Outdoor prayer house in Yangor with a …


Nauru werd oorspronkelijk bevolkt door Polynesische en Melanesische kolonisten. De eerste Europeaan die het eiland bezocht was de Engelse walvisvaarder John Fearn, in 1798.Nauru bleef zelfstandig, geregeerd door een koning (de bekendste was Auweyida), totdat het in 1888 door de Duitsers werd geannexeerd en deel werd van Duits-Nieuw …

Nauru – Wikipedia

Opphavet til navnet «Nauru» er ukjent. Da øya ble oppdaget, kalte innbyggerne den, som de fortsatt gjør i dag, «Naoero». Tyske Paul Hambruch, som besøkte øya i mai 1909, og fra september til november 1910, ga forklaringen om at «Naoero» var et sammendrag av setningen «A-nuau-A-A-ororo» (i dag ville det blitt skrevet «A nuaw ea arourõ»), som …

Mahtra Grill


., 10,000 .,,, .,,,,, ...

Nauru Powerlifting Federation

Nauru Powerlifting Federation. 1,974 likes · 99 talking about this. Nauru Powerlifting Federation is Nauru''s only federation that is affiliated with the...


NEEDS Nauru. 365 likes · 6 talking about this. NEEDS - Nauru Energy Efficiency Demand Side project - funded by NZMFAT based in the DCCNR

Nauru commits to 50 percent renewable electricity by 2023

Nauru took a big step on energy Friday on the world stage, announcing its commitment to generate 50% of its electricity from renewable sources by 2023. The country''s Minister …


the US does not have an embassy in Nauru; the US Ambassador to Fiji Marie DAMOUR is accredited to Nauru PEOPLE & SOCIETY Population 9,850 (2023 est.) Population Growth 0.42% (2023 est.) Ethnicity Nauruan 94.6%, I-Kiribati 2.2%, Fijian 1.3%, other 1 ...



Pakkumine ja nõudlus – Vikipeedia

Pakkumine ja nõudlus on mikroökonoomika osa, mis käsitleb hinna kujunemist turul. Seda väljendatakse graafiliselt nõudluskõvera abil. Pakkumise ja nõudluse võrdumisel on turul tasakaal. Pakkumine Pakkumine on seos kauba hinna ja selle koguse vahel ...

A Dark History of the World''s Smallest Island Nation

In 2000, Nauru did manage to export another 500,000 metric tons. But by 2004 Nauru''s phosphate boom was truly over, with exports tallying just 22,000 metric tons. During the 1990s, Nauru …

Nauru: Electricity Supply Security and Sustainability Project

The project''s outcome was to be increased reliability, lower cost, and greater sustainability of power generation in Nauru. A 50% drop in power outages was targeted for December …

Nauru: Energy Country Profile

Nauru: Many of us want an overview of how much energy our country consumes, where it comes from, and if we''re making progress on decarbonizing our energy mix. This page …

Samsungi soodustused ja pakkumised parimaks ostlemiseks l | Samsung …

Pakkumine kehtib 10.07.2024 kuni 31.07.2024 Osta kohe Aegunud Samsungi kuldsed pakkumised Avasta meie kõige uuemad võidukampaaniad laiale tootevalikule Pakkumine kehtib 22.07.2024 kuni 18.08.2024 Lisateave Aegunud Vinge sääst Lisa tooteid ja ...

Nauru country profile

Provides an overview of Nauru, including key dates and facts about this Pacific island nation. Some key dates in the history of Nauru: 1798 - British navigator Captain John Fearn, sailing past ...

Nauru country profile

Named Pleasant Island by its first European visitors, Nauru in the central Pacific is the world''s smallest republic. In the 21st Century it has been a key part of Australia''s controversial ...

Nauru – Travel guide at Wikivoyage

Nauru (Nauruan: Naoero) is a small island in the South Pacific Ocean south of the Marshall Islands and is the world''s third-smallest country; only Monaco and the Vatican City are smaller. An off-the-beaten-track destination if there ever was one, Nauru is also one of

Solar-plus-storage to provide all the daytime electric needs of …

A 6 MW solar plant and 5 MW/2.5 MWh storage system are set to increase the share of renewable electricity on the Pacific island of Nauru from 3% to 47%. The $27 million …

Lordy Teenused Oü

Lordy Teenused Oü, Tartu vald. 232 likes. -Puistematerjali müük -Kallur-,dumper- ja treilerveod -Kopplaadur-,ekskavaator-,laadur- ja buldooser

Nauru | Land, People, Culture, Economy, Society, & History

Most of Nauru rises somewhat abruptly from the ocean, and there are no harbours or protected anchorages. A fairly fertile but relatively narrow belt encircles the island and surrounds the shallow inland Buada Lagoon. Farther inland, coral cliffs rise to a plateau 100 feet (30 metres) above sea level, with the highest point at about 213 feet (65 metres).

Asukoha partner

Milles seisneb Enefit Volti pakkumine? Investeering 22kW - 360kW laadijatesse teie kinnistul Investeering laadimise elektrikulusse Lõppkliendi teenindamine (sh äpp, klienditugi, arveldus) Laadijate monitooring Partnerile kuutasu 197 ...


L''origine della parola Nauru non è nota. Oggi l''isola in lingua locale è chiamata Naoero.Il tedesco Paul Hambruch, che rimase sull''isola dal maggio 1909 fino al novembre del 1910, pensava che la parola Naoero fosse la combinazione delle parole nuau-aa-ororo (in lingua corrente: A arourõ bis nuaw), che significherebbe "Io vado al mare".

Nõudlus, pakkumine ja turu tasakaal – Opiq

Teiste sõnadega – turul on nõudlus ja pakkumine, mille puhul peame arvestama teatud seaduspärasustega. Nõudjad on tarbijad, kes turult tooteid ostavad. Me kõik osaleme erinevatel turgudel nõudjatena, telefoni ostes …

Tasuta pakkumine

Tere tulemast meie toodete kohta päringuid tegema!
