Shanghai, Hiina
Esmaspäevast laupäevani 9.00-20.00

CNPC''s largest single-capacity PV project connected to the grid

CNPC''s largest single-capacity PV project connected to the grid 2023/11/22 On November 3, Yecheng 500,000 kW photovoltaic (PV) power generation station, the clean power supply project of the largest installed capacity built by PetroChina Tarim Oilfield, was successfully connected to the grid.

Maailma suurim off grid aku energia salvestamise projekt II

Maailma suurim off grid aku energia salvestamise projekt II. Mar 03, 2022. ACWA ütles, et Punase mere kuurort tugineb täielikult taastuvenergiale elektri tootmiseks, vee tootmiseks, reovee puhastamiseks ja piirkondlikuks jahutamiseks. Punase mere projekti avalik infrastruktuur hõlmab päikeseenergiaprojekti käivitamist installeeritud ...

Energia salvestamine | Jupiter | ERR

Eesti esimene suuremahuline elektrienergia salvestamise projekt ehk Energiasalv on saanud rohelise tule ehituseks, millega hakatakse pihta 2024. aasta suvel. Mida projekt …

Euroopa suurim akuenergia salvestamise projekt – teadmised – …

Euroopa suurim akuenergia salvestamise projekt - 99.8mw/99.8mwh Briti Mendi energiasalvestuselektrijaam on toonud turule häid uudiseid. Elektrijaama tulud on oodatust palju suuremad ja projekti sisemine tulumäär ulatub eeldatavalt üle 15 protsendi.


Built by CNPC, Bangladesh''s first sea-land integrated oil storage and transportation system has been put into commercial operation. 2022 CSR Report online 2023-11-02 View CNPC 2022 CSR Report I work for


QatarEnergy, CNPC sign 2 agreements on NFE expansion project, …

DOHA:QatarEnergy on Tuesday signed definitive agreements with China National Petroleum Corporation (CNPC), covering the long-term supply of LNG to China and partnership in the... DOHA: QatarEnergy on Tuesday signed definitive agreements with China National Petroleum Corporation (CNPC), covering the long-term supply of LNG to …

Pressiteade: Energiahäkaton lahkab võimalusi elektrisalvestuse ...

Kliimaministeerium korraldab 22.-23. jaanuaril koostöös Energiasalve, Eesti Energia, World Energy Council -i (WEC) ja Ettevõtluse ja Innovatsiooni SA -ga häkatoni, mis keskendub …

CNPC at a Glance

CNPC is China''s largest oil and gas producer and supplier, as well as one of the world''s major oilfield service providers and a globally reputed contractor in engineering …




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Niger Niger junta to inaugurate unfinished CNPC oil pipeline

Keen to drum up some good news, Niger''s ruling junta will shortly inaugurate the CNPC crude oil export pipeline, even though construction won''t be completed for months. - 11/1/2023 Three ways to create your email notifications: Key word in an article: select the key words in an article and click on «Create notification» ...


CNPC continued to hold 90 percent of PetroChina stock. CNPC did not respond to Human Rights Watch correspondence mailed or faxed to its Sudan office and in care of the Chinese embassy in the U.S. 2001

Major Events

72 2020 Annual Report January Jan. 19 Ultra-deep (>8,000m) exploration activities in the Tarim Basin achieved significant results (well Luntan-1 completed at a depth of 8,882 meters). Jan. 28 The Abu Dhabi Onshore-Offshore Project Phase-I under a joint venture

Energiamajanduse arengukava | Majandus

Eesti energiapoliitika arengukavas lähtutakse sellest, et tarbijatele oleks tagatud mõistliku hinna ja kättesaadavusega energiavarustus, et keskkonnamõjud oleksid aktsepteeritavad …


New gas field developed by CNPC in Turkmenistan goes into …

On June 18, the gas field in Block B (West), Bagtyjarlyk Contract Area operated by CNPC (Turkmenistan) Amu Darya River Gas Company was put into production. Hou Qijun, President of CNPC, attended the launch ceremony on invitation and delivered a speech.


Uus energiamajanduse arengukava hakkab asendama kehtivat riiklikku energiamajanduse arengukava aastani 2030, mis tunnistatakse kehtetuks ENMAK 2035 …

CNPC in Australia

Currently, CNPC participates in the operation of three projects in Australia: Arrow Energy, Browse Offshore Gas Project, and Poseidon Offshore Gas Project. Upholding the principle of "mutually beneficial and win-win cooperation for common development", we carry out exploration and development of natural gas in Australia.


CNPC embarked upon oil and gas business in Niger in 2003. It now operates two exploration and development projects, and a joint venture refinery in the country, while …

900MW! Spearmint Energy omandab Texases rea akuenergia salvestamise projekte

Hiljuti asutatud Spearmint Energy omandas oma esimese akuenergia salvestamise projekti -2022 keskel. Ettevõte on selle akusalvestusportfelli ostnud USA ühelt suurimalt puhta energia projektide arendajalt ja operaatorilt. Qcellsi 190MW/380MWh

Message from the Chairman

02 2020 Annual Report 2020 has been an extraordinary and extremely challenging year for CNPC. From the once-in-a-century COVID-19 pandemic to the deep global economic recession, and to the most dramatic oil price collapse in the petroleum history over a

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CNPC''s first wind power project goes into full operation

On March 17, the Meizi Wind Farm of PetroChina Jilin Oilfield was connected to the power grid, marking the full operation of CNPC''s first wind power project. As an important part of the 150,000 kW self-consumed wind and solar power project under construction in ...

Sustainable Energy Supply

CNPC attaches great importance to green and low-carbon transition. We have developed a green and low-carbon development path to support China''s efforts to have CO 2 emissions peak before 2030 and achieve carbon neutrality before 2060, and initially established a three-step overall

China National Petroleum Corporation

The China National Petroleum Corporation (CNPC) (Chinese: ; pinyin: Zhōngguó Shíyóu Tiānránqì Jítuán Gōngsī) is a major national oil and gas …

CNPC actively supports OGCI''s new strategy, accelerating its pace …

As the only Chinese member in OGCI, CNPC is deeply involved in international cooperation with other OGCI members in response to climate change. In 2020, Dai Houliang, chairman of CNPC, signed the Open Letter from the CEOs of OGCI, reiterating continued efforts and pledge to promote carbon emission reduction despite the challenge of the COVID-19 …

Ladina-Ameerika suurim päikesepatarei energia salvestamise projekt ...

Ladina-Ameerika suurim päikesepatarei energia salvestamise projekt alustab tegevust. Jul 30, 2023. Allikas:etn.news . Ajaloolise verstapostina alustas AES Andes selle nädala alguses Andes Solar llb, 180 MW päikese/112 MW akusalvestussüsteemi – Ladina-Ameerika suurimat – äritegevust.

PetroChina and INEOS announce plans for new trading and …

INEOS and China National Petroleum Corporation (CNPC) also announce new strategic co-operation agreement to share refining and petrochemical technology. The signing of both agreements to be witnessed by Nick Clegg, the British Deputy Prime Minister and Li Ke Qiang, the Chinese Vice Premier. Both say it represents evidence of a strengthening of ...


CNPC Worldwide2019

CNPC, in partnership with Shell, acquired a 100% interest in Australia''s Arrow Energy in 2010, entering the CBM field in the country. In 2011, CNPC acquired 19,9 percent of the total common shares of... In 2010,PetroChina, a holding company of CNPC, signed an ...


Dec. 1 A strategic cooperation framework agreement was signed with Sinopec. Dec. 13 Karamay Oilfield was included in the National Industrial Heritage List. Dec. 14 The OGCI 2021 Annual Report was jointly signed and released with other OGCI member companies. ...

Addressing Climate Change for a Sustainable Energy Future

Taking natural gas as a strategic, growing and value-added project, CNPC keeps strengthening natural gas exploration and development, developing unconventional …

Niger-Benin Pipeline Project gives way to the Benin Forest Reserve

Near the city of Sakété in Benin''s Plateau Province, there resides a 600,000-square-meter lush forest reserve. In May this year, with the work of the Niger-Benin Pipeline Project, invested and constructed by CNPC going on, it was found that the planned pipeline ...

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