Shanghai, Hiina
Esmaspäevast laupäevani 9.00-20.00

Taastuvenergia tasu | Elering

Taastuvenergia toetuse summa jaguneb eeldatavalt järgmiselt: 35 protsenti tuulikute toetamiseks, 33 protsenti biomassist ja biogaasist toodetud elektrienergia toetamiseks ja …

Beiya Au-Cu ore field, Heqing County, Dali, Yunnan, China

Beiya Au-Cu ore field, Heqing County, Dali, Yunnan, China : A giant porphyry-skarn deposit. The third largest Au deposit in China with estimated 323 t of Au, by the 2.47 g/t concentration. The gold-copper-polymetallic ore bodies are hosted in Triassic ...

Garnet geochemistry of the giant Beiya gold–polymetallic deposit …

Garnets from the Beiya gold-polymetallic skarn deposit have U-Pb ages of 36.4 ± 1.8, 34.8 ± 0.7 and 33.4 ± 1.0 Ma. • They record the fluid evolution history of the deposit from oxidized and acidic to oxidized and nearly-neutral conditions. • In the proximal skarn, the ...

Beiya | IMVU designs (@beiya.vu) • Instagram photos and videos

1,885 Followers, 2,042 Following, 10 Posts - See Instagram photos and videos from Beiya | IMVU designs (@beiya.vu)

New Paleomagnetic results from the Beiya porphyry-skarn …

Dali Basin is close to the Beiya deposit, and experienced 4.4 ± 2.5 of clockwise rotation since 7.6 Ma (Li et al., 2013). Therefore, the anticlockwise rotation of the Beiya deposit may have occurred at some time between ~35 Ma and 7.6 Ma.

Beiya Yang | IEEE Xplore Author Details

Beiya Yang (Graduate Student Member, IEEE) received the B.Eng. degree in electronic information engineering from Northwestern Polytechnical University, Xi''an, China, in 2013, and the M.Sc. degree in information and communication engineering from the

The geology and mineralogy of the Beiya skarn gold deposit in …

The Beiya deposit, located in the Jinshajiang-Ailaoshan Cenozoic potassium porphyry metallogenic belt, is the largest gold skarn deposit in China (388 t Au with an average grade of 2.42 g/t; He et ...

Mineralogy and mineral chemistry of Bi-minerals: Constraints on ore genesis of the Beiya …

The Beiya deposit is situated to the north of Dali in western Yunnan, China. Geologically, Beiya is located in the southern Sanjiang Tethys tectonic domain and to the east of the Jinshajiang suture (Fig. 1).Sanjiang Tethys is named after the three major rivers (Chi: Jiang) in the region, i.e., Jinshajiang, Lancangjiang, and Nujiang.

Hydrous Juvenile Lower Crust at the Western Yangtze Craton Margin as the Main Source of the Beiya …

The Beiya porphyry-skarn Au deposit is one of the largest gold deposits in China, temporally and spatially associated with Eocene intrusions in a post-collisional setting in western Yunnan, China. In this study, we report new whole-rock geochemistry, Sr-Nd isotope, zircon U-Pb geochronology and in situ zircon Hf-O isotopes of quartz-monzonite and biotite …

Geochronology of the giant Beiya gold-polymetallic deposit in Yunnan Province, Southwest China and its relationship with the petrogenesis of ...

Skarn is the main mineralization type in the Beiya deposit (Fig. 3, Fig. 4).KT52 occurring around the Wandongshan porphyry is the largest skarn ore body (Fig. 3) in the ore field and its proven reserves are 87.2 Mt of gold ore with a mean grade of 2.35 g/t, along with 90.27 Mt of iron ore with an average grade of 34% Fe, 111.8 Mt of copper ore with an average …

dbylynn (Dai Beiya) · GitHub

Student of Shanghai Jiao Tong University. dbylynn has 5 repositories available. Follow their code on GitHub. Please don''t include any personal information such as legal names or email addresses. Maximum 100 characters, markdown supported. This note will be

Geochemistry and geochronology of Beiya giant Au polymetallic …

The Beiya gold-polymetallic deposit is China''s largest skarn-type Au deposit with Au reserves of >380 t. Although several studies have addressed the skarn formation mechanism and nature of fluid evolution, a systematic study on the changes in the composition and texture of garnet from wall rocks to ore-related intrusion has not yet …

Kui palju maksab maja ehitamine? | Kinnisvara24

Sellele küsimusele on palju vastuseid, sest maja saab ehitada nii odava(ma)lt kui ka väga luksusliku eelarvega. Rusikareegli järgi algab puitkarkassmaja ehitusmaksumus suurusjärgust 1000–1200 eurot ruutmeetri kohta. Sellise hinnaga saate maja, millel on olemas küttesüsteem ja mis on sissekolimiseks valmis. Loomulikult oleneb maja …

Kuidas elektrilise tõukerattaga sõita: algajasõbralik juhend

Üldiselt on elektrilise tõukerattaga sõitmine üsna lihtne, olenemata sellest, kas laenutad selle Boltist, mõnelt muult mikromobiilsuse pakkujalt või ostad isikliku tõukeratta. Enamik meist on lapsena tõukerattaga sõitnud ja elektrilise tõukerattaga sõitmine on sellega üldjoontes sarnane.

Petrogenesis and metallogenesis of the Beiya gold-polymetallic …

The Beiya gold-polymetallic deposit, located in the middle of the Jinshajiang-Ailaoshan alkaline porphyry metallogenic belt, is the largest gold deposit in the region (reserve: 304 t gold) and ...

Textures and trace element geochemistry of magnetite in the Beiya …

The Beiya gold deposit (323t of gold @ 2.47 g/t) is located in the centre of the Jinshajiang-Ailaoshan potassium alkaline porphyry Cu-Au metallogenic belt in SW China, which is the largest skarn gold deposit in China. As the dominant ore mineral at Beiya, magnetite ...

Peakaitsme kalkulaator

Peakaitsme kalkulaator aitab leida Sinu tarbimiskohale soovitusliku peakaitsme suuruse. Arvutuse aluseks on Sinu poolt valitud või sisestatud kodumasinad ja nende elektriline …

Hinnakiri | Mymed

Lisandub arsti või õe vastuvõtu maksumus Protseduurid Hind Süstimine 20€ Haavade hooldus (üks piirkond) sisaldab sidet alates 30€ Siidide eemaldamine 20€ kuni 50€ Kõrva loputus 30€ Vaktsineerimine Hind Gripivastane vaktsineerimine 20€ 40€ 60€ ...

LA-ICP-MS U-Th-Pb Dating and Trace Element Geochemistry of Allanite: Implications on the Different Skarn Metallogenesis between the Giant Beiya …

The giant Beiya Au skarn deposit and Machangqing porphyry Cu-Mo-(Au) deposit are located in the middle part of the Jinshajiang–Ailaoshan alkaline porphyry metallogenic belt. The Beiya deposit is the largest Au skarn deposit in China, whilst the Machangqing deposit comprises a well-developed porphyry-skarn-epithermal Cu-Mo-(Au) mineral system. In …

Isamaa tahab elektritarbijatele 250-miljonilist maksusoodustust

Opositsiooniline Isamaa andis riigikogu menetlusse eelnõu, mis näeks ette väikeettevõtetele ja kodumajapidamistele riiklikult reguleeritud elektrimüüki, mille CO2 kvoodi maksumus …

Korduma kippuvad küsimused

Üks võimalikest arvutusviisidest on kasutada valemit: vee soojendamise maksumus = tarbitud m 3 x hooaja koefitsient x soojuse hind. Hooaja koefitsient on arvutuslik …

Origin of biotite-rich xenoliths in the Eocene Beiya porphyry: …

Of the aforementioned deposits, the Beiya porphyry-skarn (>450 t of Au at 2.4 g/t Au; 0.6 Mt. of Cu at 0.48 wt% Cu) is the largest Au deposit in the Tibetan-Sanjiang orogenic belt (He et al., 2015).The ore field covers ∼18 km 2 and comprises four ore segments named Wangdongshan, Hongnitang, Bijiashan and Jingouba segments (Fig. 2 a).

Paper Number: 2259

Paper Number: 2259 Geochronology of the giant Beiya gold–polymetallic deposit in Yunnan Province, Southwest China and its relationship with the petrogenesis of alkaline porphyry Fu, Y.1, Sun, X.M.1,2,3*, Lin, H.1 and Zhou H.Y.2 1 School of Marine Sciences, Sun Yat-sen University, Guangzhou 510006, China ...

Trace element geochemistry of magnetite from the giant Beiya …

Introduction The giant Beiya gold–polymetallic deposit lies in the middle of the Jinshajiang-Ailaoshan alkaline porphyry metallogenic belt and is the largest skarn gold deposit in China with estimated reserves of 130.8 million tonnes (Mt) of Au (average grade: 2.47 g/t), 170 Mt of Fe (average grade: 33.3 wt%), 125 Mt of Cu (average grade: 0.52 wt%), along with …

Ningbo Beiya Electric Appliance Co.Ltd | LinkedIn

Ningbo Beiya Electric Apliance Co. Ltd is a professional production and operation of the electric hair clipper, lady epilator, barber scissors tool series of small household electrical ...

Elektrienergia salvestuse maksumus

Energiasalvestus tehnoloogiad võimaldavad energiat aja jooksul paindlikult juhtida, tasakaalustada pakkumist ja nõudlust ning kasutust erinevates rakendustes. …

Importance of Magmatic Water Content and Oxidation State for Porphyry-Style Au Mineralization: An Example from the Giant Beiya …

The Beiya Au deposit is the largest Cenozoic Au deposit in the Jinshajiang-Ailaoshan porphyry metallogenic belt. Numerous studies document that high water content and fO2 are vital factors for the generation of Au mineralization. In this belt, only the Wandongshan and Hongnitang districts are considered to be of economic importance, while the other …


Skarn deposit is one of the main gold-polymetallic deposits in Beiya, Yunnan, and constrained by its porphyries, structures and stratums, the favorable ore-prospecting spaces are contact zones between intermediate-acid rocks and carbonatite. Based on the we ...


¹ Kui tööde läbiviimiseks on vajalikud kaeve- ja/või keevitustööd, lisandub nimetatud tööde maksumus. ² Kui tarbija ei tee soojamüüja korduvast ettekirjutusest (2 või enam) …

The influence of the Ailaoshan‐Red River shear zone on the mineralization of the Beiya …

The Beiya deposit is located at the central segment of the Jinshajiang-Ailaoshan metallogenic belt (Cai et al., 1991; Xu et al., 2007). It is estimated to be one of the largest gold deposits in ...

U-Pb Geochronology and Geochemistry of U-Rich …

The giant Beiya Au skarn deposit (over 300 tonnes Au metal reserve) is located in the middle part of the Jinshajiang-Ailaoshan alkaline porphyry metallogenic belt. The deposit is the largest Au skarn …

The Influence of the Ailaoshan‐Red River Shear Zone on the Mineralization of the Beiya …

The Beiya gold polymetallic ore deposit is one of the largest gold deposit in the world. Previous studies have suggested the formation of the Beiya deposit is closely related to the porphyritic alkaline intrusions. Different tectonic models have been proposed by geologists to explain the alkaline intrusions. However, no consensus has been reached and data for …

() 2019 5 29(【2019】97 ) (:110019167)。 …

Elektrienergia salvestuse maksumus

Võrdlus- ning arvutustulemused näitavad, et üldjuhul sügavam aku tühjenemine lühendab aku eluiga (laadimistsüklite arv) ning elektrienergia salvestuse maksumus kasvab. …


Hinnad. AS ELVESO Jüri kaugküttepiirkonna soojuse piirhind alates 21.07.2023. Konkurentsiamet kooskõlastas 20.07.2023 otsusega nr 7-3/2023-083 AS ELVESO Jüri …

Timing of skarn gold deposition in the giant Beiya polymetallic …

Hydrothermal monazite, coprecipitated with skarn gold, was identified at Beiya. • In situ SIMS Th-Pb dating on monazite yielded a robust age of 36.0 ± 0.5 Ma. • The quartz monzonite porphyry accounts for the skarn gold mineralization. • Skarn gold deposition was

Väikeelamute energiatõhususe suurendamise toetuse väljamakse …

Taotletav toetuse suurus. Toetussumma. umma sõnadega või numbritegaKonto omanikToetuse saaja arvelduskonto numberToetuse saaja kinnitusedKinnitan, et …

Vee soojendamise kalkulaator

Vee soojendamise aja, vajaliku energia koguse ja valikulise hinnangulise maksumuse arvutamiseks täitke kõik nõutavad väljad. Pärast kõigi nõutavate väljade täitmist peaksid …

Tasuta pakkumine

Tere tulemast meie toodete kohta päringuid tegema!
